
The role of digital in rare diseases

What is the role of digital in healthcare – but more precisely – in rare diseases? Our Global Digital Manager, Fanny Rannaud, gave an inspiring talk in Geneva at « Performance Web 2018 ». Her challenge was to explain, in only 30 minutes, how digital experiences can help physicians to better understand, recognise and diagnose patients with rare diseases – reducing what is often called “diagnostic limbo”. In a space where P2P knowledge sharing is essential to the scientific community, it also can allow HCPs to provide daily support to patients and caregivers, particularly when faced with paediatric patients. Working within a highly regulated industry and niche area, Fanny leveraged her rich experience to demonstrate that constraints can in fact reveal opportunities, and that HCP’s continue to have unmet needs when it comes to rare diseases. By providing practical, relevant solutions for HCPs – or as we say, going “Beyond The Pill”, we can help HCPs to reduce rare disease patient time to diagnosis.

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please reach out.

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